Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Our Goals

Resource protection

We safeguard the quality of our valuable natural resources: whether it's water, without which there would be no life, the air that surrounds us which we need to breathe, or the soil that protects the groundwater and allows our crops to thrive. In a globalized world, pollutants do not stop at national borders. Pollutants must be tested so that timely action can be taken.

Testing of materials and products

We test materials and products for suitability for contact with drinking water, groundwater or foodstuffs in advance of their market launch. Efficacy and environmental compatibility are also determined. We are serious about consumer health protection. And it doesn't just begin when products are handed over to the consumer, but starts as early as the planning and production of preliminary and intermediate products.

We will be happy to provide you with advice and assistance in the areas mentioned

Everything comes to an end (contaminated sites)

Sooner or later, every product and material reaches the end of its life and should be fully or partially returned to the material cycle. We help to keep the natural cycles as free from pollution as possible. This way, we can prevent the release of "new" contaminants, which can cause environmental damage and harm human health.

Toxicological investigations

Of course, we also examine existing contaminated sites for adverse effects on humans and the environment. This can prevent or reduce health impairments during the use of soils or structures. In addition to the well-known harmful substances (PAH, heavy metals, asbestos, PCB, PCDD/F), today we also find many other substances that are or were used by industry as substitutes for the "classic" pollutants. Ecotoxicological tests provide indications of possible hazards and help in the classification of exposures.
Last change: 30.09.2021 14:26:05