Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Hygienic Building Technology

Planning and maintenance

The immediate working and living environment of many millions of people today is influenced by ventilation and air-conditioning systems. A hygienically planned, executed and maintained system has a positive effect on the health, well-being, and performance of the room occupants. But improperly planned and poorly maintained systems can also have a negative impact on health and well-being.

From our range of services

We provide competent and comprehensive advice on all aspects of planning, execution, maintenance and renovation of ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Our institute has many years of experience in this field.
  • Initial hygiene inspections and control inspections of air handling units according to VDI 6022
  • Preparation of hygienic risk assessments for recooling plants
  • Hygienic conformity tests of air handling units and devices as well as their components and of recooling plants to design requirements of regulations
  • Material tests e.g. according to DIN EN ISO 846
  • Comfort measurements, indoor air quality measurements on various chemical and microbiological parameters
  • Measurements of various microbiological parameters such as general colony counts, Legionella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa in humidifiers, feed, or cooling water
  • Analysis of delivered samples, e.g. humidifier water, cooling water, or contact culture samples
  • Conformity tests according to technical regulations of ventilation and air conditioning technology

Our offer to companies that require corresponding services due to legal requirements or on a voluntary basis.

Air handling systems: Inspection according to VDI 6022

In order to prevent negative effects of room air technology on the health of room users, VDI Guideline 6022 prescribes regular hygiene inspections. This is because incorrectly planned and maintained air handling systems can cause damage to health.

Regular hygiene inspections are mandatory!

Hygiene inspections include an independent assessment of your air handling system and the air-conditioned rooms. Furthermore, microbiological examinations of e.g. filter, duct or heat exchanger surfaces, of feed, cooling and humidifier water as well as of air in the AHU and/or in the rooms compared to the outside air are carried out. In addition, the physical climate parameters of air temperature, humidity, and air velocity are determined in various areas of the AHU.
  • At the end of the tests, you will receive an expert report that describes the hygienic-technical condition of your air handling unit.
  • In case of new installations of air handling units, we carry out an independent hygiene acceptance test according to VDI guideline 6022.
We are happy to help you with various offers to meet the constantly increasing demand for consulting and training.
Last change: 05.07.2024 11:58:21