Cooperation with our partners
Ruhr-University Bochum
Since August 1991, the Ruhr District Institute of Hygiene - Institute for Environmental Hygiene and Toxicology has been recognized as a scientific institution at the Ruhr University Bochum (Scientific Institutions).
The Hygiene Institute of the Ruhr Area supports the study course "Environmental Engineering and Resource Management" by teaching classes.
Association for Water, Soil and Air Hygiene e.V. (WaBoLu)
The Ruhr District Institute of Hygiene is a member of the non-profit association WaBoLu with the aim to promote environmental hygiene in Germany and in Europe as well as to impart knowledge.
- The association supports research projects and expert discussions.
- Scientific results are made accessible to the professional public in advanced training seminars and conferences.
- Current research results are published in their own publication series.
More information on the WaBoLu association can be found at
Academy for Public Health (Düsseldorf)
We actively support the Academy through joint continuing education events, some of which are also offered at our Institute.
Memberships of the institute (selection)
- Institute for the Promotion of Water Quality and Water Quantity Management e.V. (IFWW)
- Working community for drinking water dams e.V. (ATT)
- Working community of Waterworks on the Ruhr (AWWR)
- German Association for the Bathing Industry e.V.
- German Association of the Gas and Water Industry e.V. (DVGW)
- German Association for Water Management, Wastewater and Waste e.V. (DWA)
- Building Climate Institute (Fachinstitut Gebäude-Klima e.V.)
- Society for Hygiene, Environmental Medicine and Preventive Medicine e.V. (GHUP)
- Society of German Chemists (GDCh), Water Chemistry Society, RWTÜV, DIN, etc.
Last change: 06.10.2022 11:44:40