Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Biology of our waters

Limnology deals with the ecology or - generally speaking - of water bodies. The focus is on the following parameters:
  • ecologically relevant properties of water
  • physiological ecology of freshwater organisms
  • limnetic population ecology
  • basics of matter balance and production biology
  • substance degradation and substance cycles of inland waters
  • Characterization of the load conditions
  • Saprobity
The main topics of applied limnology include wastewater treatment, water treatment, water pollution, water protection and water maintenance.

Natural open water bathing waters are subject to special protection

Natural open water bathing waters are often adjacent to agricultural land, from which turbidity, microorganisms, and chemicals can wash off. Other sources of inputs include excessive waterfowl or the discharge of sewage. As nutrients, some of the input substances can lead to undesirable mass development of algae or excessive growth of aquatic plants.

Microscopic examinations

We offer such examinations for tenants and landlords who wish to clarify the cause of deposits (biofilms) in wet rooms.

Our range of services

  • Our on-site inspections enable a reliable assessment of the situation on-site. In this way, we help to reduce adverse effects on human health in advance.
  • Our investigations detect negative developments at an early stage so that continuous water monitoring in competent hands serves as an early warning system.
  • The Ruhr Area Hygiene Institute regularly examines North Rhine-Westphalian waters on behalf of the operators and has extensive experience in their limnological assessment.

Microcystin determination

From now on we offer the determination of the cyanotoxin microcystin.

This topic is becoming increasingly important as cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are becoming more common and form algal blooms that can be hazardous to health.

We have expanded our limnological testing spectrum and are now able to determine the microcystin ADDA content as a sum parameter in your bathing lakes, ponds, and reservoirs.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this subject.
Last change: 20.03.2024 09:42:11