Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
  • abwasser_und_klaersc.jpg
  • hyg19.7.2016_-1582.jpg
  • hyg_animation22.jpg

The Institute

Institute for Environmental Hygiene and Toxicology

With our internet presence we would like to introduce ourselves and provide you with a quick and informative overview of our activities. The 120-year history of the institute should also not be neglected.

Environmental protection and climate change

And the connection between our work and current issues, such as climate change and consumer protection, is also covered in a concise and generally understandable way.
Last change: 01.10.2021 10:38:20